Here's the story behind Altivify...

Altivify started after realizing how harsh and unfair the world is. It was painful seeing people work at department stores, receiving the same hourly wage as someone half their age—and with half the experience. Some may think it's because of poor decisions in their lives. But in the end, it comes down to poor education. Millions of Americans need more proper financial education. That's why Altivify was born—and we will continue to change lives.

By the numbers 

Retail sales workers/retail occupations (i.e. cashier) typically have no entry-level education requirements. As a result, 30% of workers have the equivalent to a high-school diploma. 

The Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests that there are 4,125,700 retail sales workers in the United States. Limited education, which also suggests limited overall knowledge regarding financial well-being, etc. 

The median hourly wage is around $14, with the median annual pay being $29,180. In other words, retail workers must be prudent and aware of spending and financial habits. But many aren't, which is where Altivify steps in. 


The Execution

Our Course Syllabus


The first stage of our course is to prepare for a person's financial future. Our team will meet with this individual and gauge their current understanding of financial education and spending habits. We will review some core terminology and teach any necessary components for a fundamental understanding. We will then tailor individual needs/education towards this specific individual. This stage involves a basic understanding of financial education and the four quadrants (income, expenses, assets, and liabilities). 


The second stage of our course is to educate. This involves introducing new asset classes and fundamental ideas regarding retirement, saving, etc. We will touch upon Stocks, Bonds, Options, and other various forms of security. These will be conceptually provided, and we will not offer any financial advice. This is the heaviest part of the course as we look to arm our participants with a basis of knowledge and give them the right keys to take control of their financial life. This portion will consist of the following:

a) The relationships between the four quadrants

b) Benefits of saving and investing sooner rather than later

c) Introduction to measurement metrics and terminology

d) Introduction to various asset classes and income-streams 

e) Better gauge of financial health and spending habits


The last stage of our course is to execute. This involves applying these ideas to one's personal financial life. We will track different spending habits and uncover ways to increase income and decrease expenses. We will tailor a plan for more in-depth education and provide insight on future roads to retirement and wealth building. 

a) Indexing and its benefits 

b) investing routine/habits (D.C.A, Consistency, etc.)

c) Basics of individual security selection and rational decision-making

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